General life...

 Hi everyone! 

I just wanted to give you all a little update on how I’m doing in general life. 

Obviously we are all in a very weird time in life at the moment with COVID-19 and in and out of lockdowns so I have found it a bit of a struggle dealing with the constant changes. However, I have been extremely fortunate and have been able to work all the way through since day one of the first lockdown in 2020. 

My boyfriend and myself have big plans for our future, currently doing up a van for us to live in while we go travelling (when allowed and safe to do so), so that’s really exciting and something to focus on. I also have my psychology degree, which I have almost completed the first out of 2 years, which is crazy! I’m really looking forward to my second year, should have some good topics to cover. 

With regards to my back, I’m definitely getting quite achy in the evenings from standing up at work, or moving things constantly but nothing that a stretch can’t help. I keep trying to get the motivation to start yoga, but still yet to try haha. Would you recommend yoga? If so where is the best place to look for beginners yoga? I’m hoping once I’ve finished uni I can put more time into helping myself with regards to flexibility, balance and all round health and fitness! A lot of our travel plans involve hiking, bit of climbing (which I’ve never done and I’m so scared hahaha) and just general exploring, I’m not sure how my back will cope but I’m sure if I can find some really good stretches and not push myself too hard at the start and slowly increase, then I should be good. 

I’m also getting into photography, photo editing and videos as I’ve always loved photography and my boyfriend is a budding photographer! He has been able to help me focus on it a bit more and teach me the basics for me to build upon. Trying to expand into many areas to help see what I want to do in life, I’m 21 and really don’t know what to do!! Anyone else feeling the same? 

Other than that, life has been pretty kind to me and has been treating me well. I hope you are all ok and as always please feel free to comment and ask questions, give suggestions of what you’ve found work for you etc. I’m always up for a chat or to learn new things!

Stay safe!

Katie. Xx
