Nearly 4 years on since having my Scoliosis Surgery...

I’m so sorry it’s been such a long time since I’ve posted an update... Life has been mad and now with the pandemic it’s been stressful as I’ve been working all the way through whilst starting university in September of 2020! 

It’ll be 4 years this July since I had my surgery, where has the time gone? For me personally, surgery was the best thing I have ever done, I have no regrets at all. I have worked within theatres in the hospital, I did find the long 10 hour days made me quite achy but nothing I couldn’t handle and no where near as much pain as I used to be in, so couldn’t really complain haha. 

In March 2020 I started a new job within Morrisons, I became a member of the Home Delivery team so became a key worker while working through the pandemic. There is a lot of manual lifting and a lot of the products are quite heavy. Bend with the knees and I’ll be fine is what I tell myself. I don’t actually find myself getting that achy anymore, I have definitely got stronger in myself. 

I’ve learnt not to let my back stop me from doing the things I want to do in life, well I’m learning anyway haha. My boyfriend and I are converting a van into a little home on wheels so we can go travelling! So excited for all the adventures and to push myself to strive for the best! I am scared of doing stuff that may hurt my back but as long as I’m careful, have the knowledge of what to do and I have to support and care then I think I’ll be fine! I’ll certainly have some wicked memories to look back on when I’m old and in my rocking chair!! 

4 years later and I’m still in love with my scar! It’s totally badass though isn’t it haha. As you can see I have a few tattoos as well now. The one at the bottom of my back is a tribute to my surgery as it is the periodic symbol for titanium which is what metal my rods are! Here is a picture of my scar from July 2020! Amazing right. I love it. It’s what makes me, me! 
Anyway guys, I hope you are all well and looking after yourselves during this strange time. As always if you have any questions about anything please feel free to message/comment and I’ll get back to you as soon as. 

Lots of love,
Katie. X


  1. Looks like image is no longer showing on this page. Thanks for all of the information!


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