Almost 2 months post op...

Hi all,
I'm super sorry for not posting on here as much as I wanted to, I have been so busy the past 2 weeks, I have also been noticing a lot of people have been reading and looking at my blog so I just wanted to say thank you and I hope this is helping you! If you have any questions or worries please feel free to comment or message me.

Anyway, in my previous post I mentioned that my cousin coming down to visit my family and I for a week. Well, it was a great and very busy week! We went out and showed her so many different places around where I live and I think she really enjoyed herself. During this week I still had a couple of doctor appointments to attend because part of my scar was still being covered by a tiny patch of dressing, the day I was able to get that taken off my nurse and I worked out that I was 44 days post op. (I will post a picture of how my scar looks in this post also) We were out everyday that whole week and because I'm still recovering, I was super tired by the time I got home in the evenings, but I had so much fun so it was worth it. It was sad to see her leave on the following Monday, but she said that she'll come and visit us again soon which will be lovely.

The following week (the week just gone 21st-27th) was also extremely busy for me. The Monday was the day my grandparents and myself took my cousin to the train station so she could go home so that was a day full of travelling. On the Tuesday we went out to Torquay for a day which was also a busy and packed day as we looked in the shops and at the summer market that they had there and it was also full of travelling and looking around. On the Wednesday I can't actually remember what I did haha, but i think it was a day to myself where I could relax. Before I had my operation I had to retake my maths and I could go and collect my results on the Thursday and I'm super happy and pleased to say that I had finally passed my maths!! I left school last year so this was my second attempt and I'm so happy I have finally got a C in maths. Friday, Saturday and Sunday were quite relaxing days that I spent mostly with my boyfriend which was lovely to be able to spend the time with him and feel pretty much normal again.

Doing all of these different things during the day does make me so much more tired and worn out but to me it is worth it as it all makes me feel like I am able to do most things of the things I could before again. I am almost nearly 2 months post op which is amazing at how fast the time has gone and how much I've progressed over these last two months. I have my 6 week check up coming up soon, it's on Monday 4th September which is exactly 2 months after I had my operation (its actually turned out to be 8 weeks post op check up but should have been my 6 week one) so I will be having more x-rays done and will be able to talk to my surgeon about the things I can and can't do. I will also be asking about how long I will have to wait to do them. I have started to write a little list of questions out so I can at least get the important ones asked and answered. I'm hoping I'll be able to start swimming soon as I feel like this will help me with my fitness and my strength a lot.

I will post an update on how my appointment goes on Monday so you all know.

I hope you are all well and thank you once again for reading :)

Speak soon,

Katie x
