My 6-8 week post op check up...

Hi all,
So on Monday 4th September I was exactly 2 months post op and I went and had my 6-8 week check up. 
I had some more x-rays done when I got to the hospital and then I went and saw my surgeon. He was very happy with how it looked and how well my scar is healing. He was able to answer all of my questions that I went with about what I can and can't do for a while. He said I was able to start some exercises to help my muscles in my right shoulder get stronger because when I was having my operation he had to move it slightly as it was slightly lower than my left shoulder because of where I was leaning towards my left more. 
I've also been told that I am able to go back to college which I will start on Tuesday 12th. I'm looking forward to getting into my normal routine again. 
My surgeon said that he won't need to see me till I am a year post op!! 
Overall I am super happy with everything that was said on Monday and how it looks! 

 I hope you are all well also. 
Speak soon,
Katie x
