Getting pretty real now...


I haven't posted in ages and I feel like I should keep this up to date in case anyone does want to actually read any of it.
Well, I have my pre-op assessment on the 7th June which is next Wednesday. It is all getting pretty real so quickly and its a bit scary for me right now. But, with it getting closer I just keep telling myself that I will be so much better after it all as this will be the biggest change for me and probably the most beneficial one. So positive thoughts about it all only...
I know that my back is getting worse as each day goes by but at least soon it will all be under control and won't get any worse and start causing issues for me in the future.
I can't thank the people who care and support me through what I have already been through and the huge journey I am about to go on enough. They have all been so so amazing, it makes me feel so lucky that I have them, so thank you to my family, my boyfriend and my friends who have been there for me through it all.

P.s. as it is 1st June today that means we can start spreading more awareness about Scoliosis as June is Scoliosis awareness month, so start spreading the word! 💚😊

Katie x
